Our Committees & Task Forces

The Fellowship has several standing committees and task forces that provide a variety of opportunities for involvement on many levels.  Among these committees and task forces are:

  • Big Backyard Project

    The Big Backyard Project was another taskforce of Buildings & Grounds. The BBP, which is currently "on hiatus," is dedicated to finding appropriate uses for Fellowship's beautiful big backyard.

    The BBP's most challenging undertaking was the creation of our Labyrinth. Other projects included the creation of a butterfly garden and a picnic area.

    While the BBP itself may not take on any more ventures, seeds of their ideas may bear fruit in the future in the form of a memorial garden path that will connect the labyrinth to the picnic area and a peace garden.

  • Buildings & Grounds

    Our Buildings and Grounds Committee is a dedicated group of members and friends who care for the physical plant of the Fellowship, inside and out. We do many of our own repairs and the seasonal jobs such as mowing grass and raking leaves.

    Our Gardening Task Force is always looking for helpers. Eleanor Harmantas, a professional landscape and garden designer and a Master Gardener volunteer with the Cornell Cooperative Extension, provides guidance for this taskforce, which takes care of the multitude of gardens at the Fellowship.

  • Endowment Fund

    June Gillespie (a UUFP founder), wrote “…an excellent vehicle for assuring the future stability of this Fellowship which is so important a part of our lives...”

    Opportunities to give are many, with varied levels of complexities. For help understanding options, contact the UUFP office at 845.471.6580, one of the Endowment Fund Committee Members will call you back to answer questions and, if appropriate, provide the names of three local attorneys expert in this type of giving, thank you. --Endowment Fund Committee

    Click here for a Printable PDF version of the Declaration of Intent/Commitment Form to complete

    For a PDF Version of "Intent of the Founders", click here.

    Click here for the a Printable PDF version of the  Endowment Fund Grant Process.

    Click here for Endowment Fund Grant Application Form.

  • Finance Committee

    Recognizing that those who commit financially to the annual pledge drive, have a stake in the operation and survival of this organization. The function of the finance committee is as follows. To monitor the financial condition of the fellowship and to assist the treasurer in that duty. To coordinate the fundraising activities and the pledge drive subcommittee.

  • Fundraising Task Force

    The purpose behind the work of this team is to provide assistance/guidance to the Chairperson(s) of any Fundraising Event. The assistance could be in the form of securing additional manpower, publicity outlets or innovative ideas; anything that might help increase attendance and revenue.

  • Hospitality

    Fellowship Sunday services are followed by hospitality hour, a time when the congregation enjoys light snacks and conversation. The Fellowship proudly serves only Fair Trade Coffee. We also make Fair Trade tea and hot chocolate available. Our buffet table offers an assortment of nibbles: bagels, crackers, cheese, cookies, fruit and other baked goods.  Click here for more information

  • Leadership Development

    The Leadership Development Committee is an elected committee that is responsible for nominating candidates for Officers and Trustees-at-Large, delegates to the General Assembly and the Endowment Committee. The LDC also makes recommendations to the Board for candidates for membership on the Committee on Ministry and for committee chairmanships, and develops and implements means for identifying, cultivating and developing leaders for the Congregation.

  • Lifespan Faith Development

    The Lifespan Faith Development Committee is responsible for the overall development and delivery of the Religious Education Program for children, youth and adults of the Fellowship.   The purpose of the Lifespan Faith Development Program is to :   nurture a sense of UU identity;   foster spiritual growth;   provide a foundation for a transforming faith; and,  cultivate vital, creative communities of justice and love. 

    The Lifespan Faith Development Committee encompasses faith development and religious education for all ages.

    For information on adult Lifespan Faith Development opportunities, click here.

    For more information on the Children's Religious Education program, click here.

  • Membership Committee

    The Membership Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Poughkeepsie (UUFP) is focused on the people of the Fellowship--its visitors, friends, and members. Our job as committee members is to find ways to help people feel welcome and serve their needs in whatever capacity.

    We are the committee to contact if you have any questions or concerns about:

    • The history and background of Unitarian Universalism in general and/or the UUFP in particular.
    • How to become a “friend” of the Fellowship and what are the benefits.
    • How to become a “member” of the Fellowship and what are the benefits and obligations.

    If you are interested in helping people feel welcome, then this may very well be the committee for you. You do not have to be a member of the UUFP in order to join our committee. In particular, we welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to represent the congregation at large. We usually meet the first Thursdays of the month at 7:00 p.m.

    Please contact the membership chair, Laura A.G. Bracken, at 845.249.9083 (cell) or PenelopeTwinkler@gmail.com.

  • Program Committee

    The Program Committee is a vibrant and creative group of good people. If you look at the bylaws, most of the duties of the Program Committee stated are that we coordinate the Sunday Services which the minister is not doing, and we are responsible for the aesthetic layout of the Main Meeting room.

    What this amounts to is that we keep an ear out for what the Congregation expresses an interest in, either as expressed directly (we have issued questionnaires as to what people are interested in seeing in a Service) or indirectly. We invite Guest Speakers and also create and conduct Services ourselves, and assist other members of the Congregation to do so. This may be the most exciting piece...encouraging and assisting people to share their knowledge, interests, and passion with others in their community. We also coordinate the Summer Sunday services, which are generally led by members of the Congregations and are a little less formal than those during the “official” year. One official member of the Committee is the art coordinator, and another, the music coordinator.

  • Social Justice Committee

    The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Poughkeepsie (UUFP) has a long-standing commitment to working on human rights and environmental and social justice issues in our neighborhoods and around the world.

    The UUFP Social Justice Committee (SJC) keeps the Fellowship membership abreast of current social and environmental issues and sponsors forums, movie screenings, workshops, and letter writing campaigns for the membership and the community at large.   Click here for more information.