We are glad that we made some sweet connections at our LFDC movie event last Saturday - thanks for coming out and joining us!
On Sunday, kids learned about Afrofuturism in RE, and they came up with ideas for futuristic inventions in class. We encourage families to talk about not only Black history with your children, but also Black futures. Thank you to Soyal for the RE lesson plan!
This Sunday, families and people of all ages will join together at the Fellowship for Love is Served, where we will collaborate on preparing Stone Soup! Just as we did last year, we will all gather, cook soup, bake muffins, and share our love with the community with a community meal to be donated to the Poughkeepsie Community Fridge. We look forward to seeing you there and serving up love together.
Check out the RE schedule for the rest of February, and we will see you and your family soon.
RE needs classroom assistants still!
We are looking for classroom assistants for March and April, and we also ask for anyone who is available to volunteer to assist in the nursery on RE Sundays. If you volunteer for the nursery, please note that we will only call upon you if nursery aged children are at the Fellowship on that given Sunday, so it's an on-call spot.
Here is the link to the SignUp Genius for classroom volunteers!
Volunteers for the classroom and nursery are asked to complete a background check. Marnie has the form and you can contact Marnie to obtain it, or Marnie will reach out to you. Please include your email information in your sign up. Thank you!
RSVP to Marnie at mcfavell@uupok.org.
If you have questions or fantastic ideas to share, drop me a line! mcfavell@uupok.org
With gratitude,
RE Coordinator
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Poughkeepsie
67 S. Randolph Ave., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
Office Hours (September - June):
Monday, Tuesday 1-4 PM Eastern
Thursday 10-2
Sundays 9-2
Check out UUFP's RE Instagram page!
UUFP's Facebook page