This year we will celebrate our Annual Ingathering Water Ceremony with special celebrant Rhianna Mirabello and Spiral Web. We will honor our mighty Hudson River and all the life that she sustains within and along her shores, and we will offer up our prayers for the healing of all waters, of Mother Earth and of all our Relations.
Rhianna brings years of dedication to community spiritual practices, and to the broadening and deepening her own spiritual development. Additionally, in 2016, Rhianna participated in the daily Water Prayer Ceremony at Standing Rock in South Dakota during the protest there. She brings all of this together for us this morning.
If you feel moved to do so, please bring water that has some meaning to you so we may co-mingle our lives on a visceral level.
Following the service, we will have a small "harvest country fair" event, with a pie bake-off, games and a few local vendors, as well as some festive food. Please plan to stay!
In person, and on Zoom:
You can also dial in using your phone.
+1 646 558 8656. If asked, enter Meeting ID: 327 711 271#